Finding My Joy, A Journey, and Building Connections
I first, took the journey to bring more joy to my soul and to my life. In order to guide others to creating their joy, I first had to know how to get there. Through my personal journey, I learned the most essential key elements to open that joyful space for oneself. Was it easy? No. In fact, because I had so much inner healing to do of old traumatic wounds, it was one of the most challenging journeys I launched myself into. However, because I wanted that joy and inner peace as one of the greatest desires of my heart, I embarked on that inner journey. It was worth it for me. Now I know what joyful truly means. I know what inner peace truly means. Now, I like to share ways for others to work on creating their joy and inner peace. If you are ready to do your work to get there, to open your heart and mind to a shift in mindsets and perspectives, routines, and some stepping out of your comfort zone, then you are in the right place.
-Author Holly R. Dickinson
Keynotes/Speaking/Workshops (To resume after COVID)
Keynotes, speaking at your event, or part of a workshop... Contact me to schedule.
In the Works
Currently I am working on several writing projects. A couple of the projects are co-creations: working with other professionals writing on particular topics that I have experience and wisdom in, to help others create more joy in their life. I'm designing and creating some workbooks and journals. I've created a line of message wristbands and working on message necklaces, (the necklaces include lava beads for use with aroma therapy-oils). Additionally I have created a line of essential oil blends with a vendor who is in the business of essential oils in San Diego. This particular oil line is being blended specifically for Joyful Navigations ™.
In the Future (After COVID)
Looking into the future, I will be offering workshops that I am willing to travel with.
Live Broadcasts
Weekly, for almost 2 1/2 years, I have been doing live broadcasts on my Facebook page, Positive Quotes with Author Holly. During my broadcasts I offer tips, life learned wisdom, different perspectives etc, that could potentially help my viewers/followers to create more joy in their life. It's exciting to be able to reach people globally through my broadcasts and quotes I post on my Facebook pages each day, Choose Joyful with Joyful Navigations and Positive Quotes with Author Holly. Some of the most recent broadcasts will be offered in video and audio format on this website for those who wish to purchase their own copy to listen to or to watch without being on Facebook.. Those will be coming soon for purchase. For the live broadcasts you can join me each week on Mondays 5pm Pacific Time on my other facebook page, Positive Quotes with Author Holly.
Presentations (After Covid)
Creating a More Joyful Life
Healing Your Pain, Shifts Your Life
Shifting Your Focus Shifts Your Life: How a Gratitude Practice Daily, changes your life.